Company registration in Cyprus

Company registration fee in North Cyprus

To register a company in North Cyprus, it is necessary to spend a series of expenses such as government tax, annual fee, stamp fee, registration fee and company start-up fee. You need to buy a €100 stamp every year to complete your tax return. Government tax is one of the available expenses. Every company operating in this country must pay an annual amount under the title of tax. If you do not pay, you may face heavy costs. In fact, you should be aware that one of the most sensitive financial activities in Cyprus is related to taxes.

Company registration



Company registration fee in North Cyprus

One of the costs involved in company registration is related to the follow-up of legal registration procedures. The cost of setting it up is 1200 to 4000 euros. Also note that no low price is without a reason and it may be due to low quality of service. Therefore, pay attention to the records of service providers when doing company registration. To register the company, a series of annual fees must be paid. These costs must be paid for hiring a lawyer, secretary, accountant, secretary and office registration. You can also rent a work space to register your company and submit its documents to the government.

Registering a company in North Cyprus and obtaining Cyprus residency

According to what we have already mentioned, registering a company in North Cyprus gives you many benefits, but it is not possible for you to get residence in this way. When you invest in this country and register your company, you can get residence more easily. If you need to get Cyprus residency, one way is to buy a house in Cyprus. In general, buying a house is a better way to get residency in this country, and you can get residency in this country in a short time. In the following, we will provide you with explanations about the different types of companies that can be registered in this country.

Company registration in North Cyprus is one of the best investment methods in North Cyprus.

Introducing the types of companies that can be established in North Cyprus
International companies

Today, various types of companies can be established in North Cyprus. You can make your desired investment according to your situation. The international company is the first type of company that can operate abroad with a North Cyprus license. These types of companies have a symbol called IBC. These companies include income tax, employee provident fund contributions and insurance premiums. International companies are a type of business that has an important advantage over other companies. The advantage of international companies (free zone companies) is tax exemption. These companies can be established individually or jointly by a natural person or natural persons, the management of this company must be done by a natural person. After the establishment, all duties, including taxes, insurance, etc., must be performed by the person who registered the company. International companies are registered in the company registration office.

Company registration fee in Cyprus

Partnership companies

If you intend to register a company in North Cyprus, you can register a limited company. This type of company is established as a partnership with several companies. Each of these companies is responsible for providing their own profits and losses. The profit and loss of a company is determined according to the share it has among the partners.

A person preparing a company contract

Every shareholder settles income tax according to the profit he earns, and tax is not paid by the company. A limited liability company is another type of company that can be registered in Cyprus.

Limited liability company

In this type of companies, the liability of the members is limited for the share they have. The limited liability company is one of the most popular types of companies registered in Cyprus today. The registration of such companies is mainly done by foreign investors. This type of company can have up to 50 shareholders due to its share structure. The advantage that these companies have over private limited companies is that you can transfer shares to the person you want without any special restrictions. You can also represent a foreign company in Cyprus.

Company registration procedures in North Cyprus

Before registering a company in North Cyprus, it is better to be aware of all the steps you need to take. In the following, we list all the steps that must be taken to register a company in Cyprus. The first step to register a company is to choose a name according to the laws of Cyprus. The second step is to prepare the company’s articles of association. In the next step, which is filling out the form, it is better to get help from an experienced lawyer. After paying the company registration fee, you can proceed to register the company in the registration office.

Steps to establish a company in Cyprus

The next step is to determine the address of your company and then register it. Also, in the next step, you should open your account in this country and transfer your capital into it. In order to be able to operate in this country, you need to complete the administrative work of the tax and insurance organization. To do tax work, you will need to get a tax code and an insurance code. After you have gone through all 8 steps, you can say that your company registration is finished. It is better to complete your research to complete these steps.

If you want to avoid confusion when establishing a company in North Cyprus

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